

  • Table tennis:1 the benefits of prevention,treatment of myopia in 2brain puzzle,develop intelligence,improve the reaction ability.3 can improve the coordination of the hands and feet,the respiratory system,motion system to get exercise 4 relaxation,decompression in 5 through the play,has the good psychological quality.6.Non physical contact sexual activity,relatively safe,through 7 doubles,and cultivate good communication ability,contribute to training teamconsciousness.8,prevention of senile dementia

    打乒乓球的好处:1.预防、治疗近视 2.可健脑益智,开发智力,提高反应能力 .3. 可以提高手脚的协调性,使呼吸系统、运动系统得到锻炼4. 放松、减压5.通过打球,具有良好的心理素质.6.非身体接触性的活动,相对安全7、通过双打,培养好的沟通能力,有助于培养团队意识.8、预防老年痴呆