Ten years ago,the world population increased by about 80 mil


  • Ten years ago,the world population increased by about 80 million (people in a single year.Now,over 100 million people 【add to】 the total 26.adds to/ is added to

    every year,and the population doubles in about thirty years.Western (industrial nations have relatively stable 【populations】,but about three-quarters 27.population

    of humanity lives in the Third World-Asia,Africa and Latin (America-where the population 【grow】 rate is highest.28.growth

    Population trends are not easy to influence and manage.People (are more likely to【 practicing】 effective birth control when they see that 29.practice/practise

    health care is improving,and employment and incomes are rising.(Without these improvements,poor people will have as【 any】 children as 30.many

    they can,in the hope that at least one will survive and be successful enough to support his parents in their old age.

    (But there is often lack of birth control that 【make】 these conditions so 31.makes

    difficult to achieve.How can a country improve health care for its people (【when】 the problems are getting bad so fast?Even if more babies are 32.as 随着

    receiving adequate medical treatment than before,more might still be (dying because the 【totally】 numbers are rising so fast.Similarly,even when 33.total祝你开心如意!