我总是这样幻想着:我要拥有一座两层的木板房,房屋四周都是绿色的植物和大大的落地窗,阳光能够洒进屋里的每一个角落.它最好坐落在一条街的拐角处,因为这样能让人们注意到它,在门口,我要用一块木板做招牌,上面写着:“The coffe shop filled with memoirs”,是的你没猜错,我的梦想是拥有这样的一间咖啡屋.
I have a romantic dream, now I think this may be my favorite character of the good things about.I always imagined: I want to have a two-story barrack, housing surrounded by green plants and big windows, the sun streaming into the house to every corner.It is best located in a corner of the street, because it allows people to notice it, at the door, I use a board to do signs that read: "The coffe shop filled with memoirs", yes you did not guess wrong, my dream is to have such a cafe.In the middle of the first floor, there is a wall, which is used to record the feelings of the guests. Notes our guests, when the guests came to the store, write down the wall feel to it, whether writing in the hope, wish, or just complain. And when I'm free, I can look at someone else's heart, I think this is a very meaningful.I would like to raise a cute dog, in a sunny day, I can sit beside the windows, basking in the sun, playing with the dog. I think, Nothing is a better life. Because of this dream, I study harder, I believe will one day be realized.