1.Our English teacher requested that the homework____tomorro


  • 1.Our English teacher requested that the homework___D _tomorrow morning.

    A.would be handed in B.be handed in C.hand in D.must be handed in


    2.What____of Japanese he____!C

    A.good command;is B.a good command;has C.good commands;has D.good commands;is


    3.The film____on the book by Jack London is well worth____.

    A.basing;seeing B.based;being seen C.basing;to be seen D.based;seeing

    D 基于.worth doing sth

    4.The lady insisted that the young man____her wallet and that he____to the police station at once.

    A.had stolen;be sent B.should steal;should be sent C.had stolen;sent D.had stolen;must be sent

    D 偷了 完成时.

    5.--You have not said anything about my new hat,Natash.Do you like it?

    --Oh,I____something about it.I certainly think it's preety on you.

    A.was said B.am saying C.am to say D.do say.

    B 我现在说点.
