3914!and in 1881 the Serbia,a merchant steamer capable of cr


  • 结构:

    时间状语:in 1881 the Serbia

    主语部分:核心词 a merchant steamer + 形容词短语后置定语 capable of crossing the Atlantic in 7 days

    这部分可以改为定语从句:a merchant steamer who were capable of crossing the Atlantic in 7 days ——有能力七天穿越大西洋的商用轮船.


    表语部分:核心词 the first vessel + 不定式后置定语 to be constructed by steel.

    这部分可以改为定语从句:the first vessel that/which would be constructed by steel——会用钢铁构建的第一艘船只.