you havent agreed to that这里的agreed to是连读,比如agridə,还是每个都
agreed 后面接to时前面的ed读音几乎听不到,只是留出发音时间,有些像吞音
agree (留出发ed的时间) to
we took your silience to mean that you agreed.这里的that you ag
agree 的用法像I agree with what you said还是 I agree to what you s
do you agree?do you agree that damage to the environment is
agree with、agree to、agree on、agree about翻译成中文都是什么意思
agree to the idea 还是agree with the idea?
I can't agree with you.这里agree是动词还是名词`怎么确定的?
是AGREE WHAT I SAD 还是agree to what i sad
agree to 还是 agree with 后可加从句,为什么?..
agree with.agree to.agree on是什么意思
1、agree on ,agree to和agree with的区别是什么?