

  • 2012年四月吉林省四平市某猪场出现猪链球菌与住圆环病毒混合感染的疑似病例,临床主要表现为被毛粗乱,皮肤苍白,体温升高,呼吸浅表而快等症状;剖检变化为全身淋巴结水肿,关节炎,肺水肿,脑膜炎等.该病多发于春夏、秋冬交替季节,15~60kg的猪易发,传播较快,如不及时治疗,死亡率可高达80%,及时治疗的猪治愈率可达80%~100%.该病呈一过性发病,自然耐过的猪和治愈猪不再发生该病

    2012April Jilin Province Siping City in a pig farm in swine streptococcus and live ring virus mixed infection suspected cases, the main clinical manifestations were Wool Thick chaos, pale skin, elevated body temperature, respiratory symptoms such as superficial and fast; necropsy for systemic lymph edema, arthritis, pulmonary edema, meningitis. The disease in the spring and summer, autumn and winter seasons alternating,15 ~60kg of porcine prone, spread quickly, if not treated in time, mortality can be high up to 80%, timely treatment of the pig the cure rate of up to 80% ~ 100%. The disease showed a transient onset, natural resistance to the pigs and pigs are no longer the occurrence of disease cure
