

  • There are a few ways to improve the relationship between your room

    mates.First and foremost,communication between each other plays a very

    important role to maintain a healthy relationship.Whenever you or your

    room mate face any problem,discomfort or disagreement,it is very

    important for both of you to discuss about the matter.Do not choose to

    keep everything in your heart.If you do not like what your room mate

    did.Tell him or her.Let them know about it.Discuss the matter with

    them and settle it.

    Do hold grudges with your room mate.Second,you and your room mate must

    work out a timetable.Set roles and house chores equally based on each

    other's abilities.Be responsible on the duty you are assigned to.If it

    is your day to sweep the floor then complete the task.Do not be lazy

    or be a last minute worker.

    Coorporation is very important for a good relationship between room mates.