The way of tackling the issue of global warming should be seeking effective environmental protection technologies and methods in the normal logic/sense,in the intertextuality however,it takes the fact that China and the US use different temperature measurements,disguisedly replace the logic concept,thus making the relaxed and humorous sentence as "I will change from the Fahrenheit to the Celsius so that the previous 100 degrees will become 40 degrees".
2.2.5 Humor achieved in pragmatic aspect of intertextuality
It is deliberately made contrary to "the cooperative principle" in the Sino-US intertextuality to achieve a sense of humor.
Violation of "the maxim of quantity":The answer that people may expect to the question "why is tofu better than the socialist planned economy?" should include the comparison between "tofu" and "socialist planned economy" and the subsequent conclusion,but the father’s answer is too simple to explain it clearly,so it is in violation of the maxim of quantity.