第一句话里面其实是一个连读,of本身四种读法,这句话中of的最后一个音节v和view的第一个音节v相同,故连读第二句话中没有这种连读的情况 另外这还有一段文字你可以参考而在今天的听力材料里,所有的of都处于弱读状态,加上文本中的of后面接续的词基本都是非元音开头的(文本中的other开头元音的张口度不能和弱读的/f/调和),所以of尾音里的/v/或者/f/几乎被弱化到听不到(或者说是被省略了),因此of发出来就非常接近于a字的弱读
关于of的弱读在《疯狂英语口语》中看到4个例句:1,That’s my point of [v]view.2,I'nee
From my point of view00
英语高手来填下Whatever you say,I will _(坚持) my point of view.2.We s00
i realize that one point of view from which i can depart is00
In my point of view 的近义词00
英语高手来看看1._________ I understand your point of view,I do not00
解答英语疑难3i viewed my position as that of group leader and of g00
Give me back my point of view..'Cause I just can't think for00
see things from your friend's point of view00
英语翻译In my opinion,this point of view does not hold water00
关于被动语态的小问题Looked at from that point of view,his decision is00