the school today is different from ___ i visited ten yrs ago


  • the school today is different from ___ i visited ten yrs ago

    a that b the one

    还有that 在比较级替代的时候要一定要加OF 吗

    the climate of shanghai is colder thAN that OF zhejiang

    比较级里的替代 the ones , one , that , the one , 不是很清楚


    如要表达: 这所学校和10年前的不同(其实是废话),一般译成:The school is different from what it was ten years ago.

    多说:这所学校不在是10年前的那个样子了:The school is no longer what it was ten years ago.


    The climate of Shanhai is colder than_ that_ of Zhejiang.

    that= the climate, 为避免重复.因为要比较的the climate后面各有一个定语(of 短语),(是同一名词)不是同一事物,所以第二空不能用it.

    that通常用来替代抽象不可数名词.可数名词单数多用one来代替,特指用the one ,复数用those,也可以用the ones 如:

    A house in the countryside is usually cheaper than one in the city.

    My house in the countryside is bigger than the one I bought in the city last year.

    Houses in the countryside are usually cheaper than those(/the ones) in the city.


    The school today is different from ___ I visited ten years ago.

    a that b the one

    答:本题句显然将今天的学校与它10年前进行比较,这个I visited就是多余的定语.如果是我今天参观过的学校和我10年前参观过的学校,则很有可能不是同一所.


    The school I visited today is different from the school I visited 10 years ago.

    避免重复,则用the one ,且这10年中,我就参观过两所学校.10年前一所,今天一所.本句中的学校不是同一所. 我感觉主句中的定语I visited是不能省略的.否则两个定语不对称.

    如果学校是同一所,只是变了样,则最好用what这个词,而不用that/ the one

    The school is different from what it was ten years ago.

    这个today就不需要了,因为这个is就表达了.what正是用于你不知道用什么名词来表达好的情况.=the +适当名词+that -定语从句.



    还有that 在比较级替代的时候要一定要加OF 吗?

    答:不一定.但要对称.如我前面举的in the countryside 与in the city作比较.
