以as a student.how will you make the most of college?为题,写一段3个


  • A:As for me,i think we should pay attention to our studies.It may be hard to focus on academics but if we don't the consequences will be severe.We need to do well enough in school to stay there,if we flunk out then we will not be able to enjoy the college experience at all.So go to class and do our homework.

    B:Im an introvert,i would like to keep myself in high school.Then now is the time to become more outspoken and friendly.i think i will try to take risks by talking to as many people as possible.I will never know who has similar interests as me if i don't talk to them so get out there and start chatting.

    C:I would like to go to parties and have fun.I don't have to drink/do drugs but i will meet many new people in an environment that is designed to be social.Exciting!
