

  • 不知道你要的是什么类型的、



    假定你是Tom,你按Kate要好的时间、地点与她见面后去医院看望 Mr Wang.

    你们告诉他你们在考试中发挥的很好,他很高兴.Mr Wang祝愿你们暑假生活愉快,并希望你们继续努力学习.你们交谈了大约半小时后离开医院.请你以日志的形式把它写下来.

    I'm Tom .Kate and I are good friend .We had arranged to go to the hospital this afternoon to see Mr Wang ,together.I toid Mr Wang that we piayed very well in the examinatinos ,Mr Wang was happy .Mr Wang said the pigs we are happy summer and ho[e we contiaue our efforts ,we probablytalked for halfan hour,and leaves.


    Tom 每天都不能按时交老师留的家庭作业,请你至少给他写5条建议,建议要合情合理.

    He should finish his homework on time every day.He should't watch TV everynight.He should't piay computer gamesuntil midnight.Heshould watch TV after he finishes his homework ,and heshould piay compuer game once a week oniy on Satuday evening .Ithink he can become a good boy .