this is my story 演讲稿


  • My name is Michael. I will tell you a story about myself. I graduated from China University of Mining and technology in 2006. I was hired by Founder Software Co., as a Net engineer in the previous 11 months. I significantly benefit from these knowledge on Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 etc learned in school. I am working in VaconCN now as an IT website engineer. I think I can do this job very well, at the same time; it’s a challenge to me. I can learn more new knowlege. I like to play badminton. I play it Xinghai Coliseum Every weekend. It’s very interesting. I also like go to KTV with my friends, I like Ben john. I think his best song is “it is my life”. When I headed it, this song concert blew me away. (这是英语的再送你一篇中文的 ) 记得那是一个冬天…… 冬天的太阳总是能给人带来莫名的喜悦和感动。今天又是一个有太阳的日子。 推开窗,我我沐浴在暧暧的阳光里,闭住(上)眼,伸出手,我感觉阳光在我手上舞动,我深深地吸了一口气,好香!是太阳的香味吗?淡淡的,那似有似无的香,把我迷醉了。 “嘭,嘭,嘭……”阳台上传来了妈妈拍被子的声音。难得遇上这么好的天气,妈妈还在忙着晒被子。“如果妈妈能和我一起晒太阳,那该有多好呀!”我心里想着。 记得小时候,冬天一到,妈妈总爱带着我去阳台晒太阳,妈妈总用她的大手,捂着我小手揉着,搓着,直到捂热为止。我们坐在阳光里,感受太阳的温暖,呼吸新鲜的空气,那真是惬意极了。妈妈对我说:“孩子,你知道吗,太阳是有香味的,那香味很特别,暧暧的,淡淡的,人闻到了心情会异常的好呢!”说完,妈妈深深吸了一口气。我笑了,深信太阳有香味,要不,我的心情怎么会这么好? 长大了,不再和妈妈晒太阳了。学业的繁忙有时让我忘了外面的好天气。 窗外,阳光一点点淡下去,金色一点点褪去,取而代之的是深幽的蓝黑色。 做完了作业,准备走进卧室休息,却发现妈妈已经为我铺好了被子。当我钻进被窝的那一刻,我闻到一阵暧暧的香味,是太阳的香味,这太阳味是妈妈为我收藏的。 妈妈没有时间像小时候那样,陪我晒太阳,可是那被褥却温暖了我的全身。小时候,抹不去的是那暧暧的太阳味,更是妈妈暧暧的爱。