帮忙改英语语法错误.Students studying in public school have many advan


  • Students studying in public schools(加s) have many advantages.They(Students改为They) can learn more than they do(stay 改为do) at home.Therefore,children should go to public school.(to study应省去).

    First of all,physical education courses can promote children's general health.In public schools,children must(participate省去) do some exercise every day.This regular physical exercise is very good for children.(for children放在句末) Physical education also teaches about how to get balance nutrition,for children will know what food is(foods改为food,同时 are 改为is) good for their health,and they will maintain good eating habits.students should learn about(后加about)the importance of physical fitness at an early age,because they(students改为they) can reduce their stress by (while改为by) doing exercise which(and 改为which,同时exercise省去)gives them(students改为them) a good balance.

    Although(逗号省去) physical education teaches children (how 省去)to get life skills,kids learn about how to communicate whith others,they can give their friends some good recommendations,yet they can not deliberately criticize (criticism改为criticize,同时to省去)their friends,kids should respect each other.Kids also can learn about the benefits of healthy competition.They can not cheat the game and they should give congradulations to the winners.Kids learn about the self-discipline is a important life skill.For example,they can not watch TV,play games when doing homework,and they must obey (observe改为obey)the rules.