英语作文 smoking on college compus 要求:(1)字数不少于120字


  • Smoking on college campus

    Whenever you walk on a college campus, you will always find some students smoking, which has been a common phenomenon at college nowadays.

    People have various opinions about it. Some say OK and even think it's very "cool" with a cigaret in one's mouth, just as Zhou Runfa always did in his films. Some believe it's a bad behaviour for every student. Of course, others show no interest in it thinking that it's only up to those smokers and that nobody can infringe their right.

    In my opinion, smoking should be banned in public places on college campus. It's certain that everyone has the right to choose to smoke, but you can't enjoy it at the cost of others' health. What's more, just take a glance at our society! It's also banned in public, which has become a universal practice all over the world. So I think it should be carried out on college campus as well.