听随着一声清脆的“叮零零”,我心中异常兴奋,我想兴奋的不只我一个,还有千千万万在知识的海洋里漫游的同学们,因为这铃声响着,就意味着可以放松、休息一下了.寂静了四十五分钟的校园一下子沸腾起来! Listen with a clear and crisp "ding pitying", my heart is very excited, I think excited not just me and great in the sea of knowledge roaming classmates, because this bell rang, it means can relax and rest. Silence the 45 minutes at the campus boiling up! ——题记 - signature 教室里 The classroom 教室里,一群女生围在一起,她们在干嘛?走近一看,噢,原来是在忙着装饰自己的笔记本呢!边装饰边哼着歌儿,要知道他们可是流行的前沿,有几个女生围坐在一起,一大包、一小包的盐辣椒摆满了桌子,一边吃还一边喝水,口里不时发出辣的唆气的声音.另一群男生在一起,比手画脚的,他们在干嘛?噢,原来在谈论着NBA的精彩赛事呢!看他们一个个讲得出神入化,一个个听得津津有味,害的我这个“篮球迷”也好想凑过去过一下篮球隐.课间十分钟,教师里热闹非凡! In the classroom, a group of girls wai together, they're doing? Approached a see, oh, it is in the busy to decorate his notebook! Edge decorative edges hum songs, want to know they are popular front, there are several girls sat together and a bundle, a small packet of salt chili filled up with table and eating on while water, mouth sometimes send spicy business gas voice. Another group of boys in together, pointing, they're doing? Oh, talking about the NBA spectator sports! Watching them one by one, each speaks divingheader listened with relish, harm I this "basketball fan" all right want to gather together the past take a basketball Cain. Lesson ten minutes, the teachers boisterous! 操场上 The playground 操场上,喝彩声、哨子声把我得眼球吸引了过去,他们在干嘛?走近一看,噢,原来正在进行一场小足球赛事呢!“好球,进了!”红队七号单枪匹马“闯”入对方禁区,一脚“劲射”,球应声入网.听到同学们的呼声,上课乏味的精神一下子烟消云散,办着欢笑声抛至了九霄云外.操场的另一边,一群男女生正在跳大绳,欢笑声一串接着一串,让人听了都想和他们一块儿欢笑一把.课间十分钟,操场上笑声不断. The playground and cheering, whistle ping I must eyeball attracted the past, they're doing? Approached a see, oh, is a little football event! "Goal, into!" The red team 7 lone "rush into the penalty area, and a foot" (", the ball echo in the net. Hear the classmates cries, class boring spirit with laughter at a draught, do evaporate thrown to the calinton clouds. The playground of the other side, a group of boys and girls are jumping rope, laughter big a string and a string, let a person be listened to all want to and they chat laughter one. Lesson ten minutes, the playground of laughter. 大树下 Under the tree 学校里有一排供大家乘凉的大树.走过大树下,马上就会被它的景色所吸引,树上鸟叫声不断,树下的座椅上,坐着一群戴眼睛的男女生们,他们在干嘛?看他们手里捧着一本厚厚的书,嘴里听不清楚念叨什么,一副全神贯注的样子,噢,原来是舍不得浪费时间,利用课间十分钟,赶功课呢!课间十分钟,大树下朗读声清脆入耳. The school had a row for everyone to enjoy cool air of the tree. Through the tree down, will soon attracted by its scenery, the tree a bird continuously, under the tree of seat, sat a group of glasses of men and women students, they're doing? Watching them holding a thick book, mouth can not hear clearly niandao what, a pair absorbed appearance, oh, is grudge wasting time, using the class recess to ten minutes, cast homework! Lesson ten minutes, under the tree LangDouSheng ringing object.