急求解析短文改错Dear Jim,Many thanks for the wonderful present you w


  • Many thanks for the wonderful present you was (改为were)sent (加to)me.I'd like(加to) tell you about my trip to Emei.Mountain in my summer holiday.The beautiful mountain lies in.Sichuan.Province,that(改为which) is well-known as a most beautiful mountain under heaven".There are too many scenic spots,like.Palaces in.Clouds,leshan Giant.Buddha,that(which) we cannot help admire (admiring)its beauty.I enjoy it's great waterfalls,tall ancient trees,and abundant flower(flowers) along the paths.Sadly,I hate them when visitors throw all kinds of rubbish careless(carelessly).Anyway,it's worth visiting.l hope you can pay a visit to the the (删去the)mountain ,either(too).l'm happy to be your guide.