帮忙改正英文句子中的语法错误1.Its not clear why customers don’t use this s


  • 1.It's not clear why customers don't use this service.However,we don't think it should be discarded yet.

    2.if the following steps do not work,ring the support person and ask him why.

    3.The questionnaire responses in which interviewers do not state clearly whether they are in favour of the new proposal are of no use to us and should be discarded.

    4 if a staff member cannot answer a customer's query,he should ask the manager for help.

    5 New employees who have not recieved training in OHS and emergence procedures should contact me so I can arrange this for them.

    6 On the advise of our legal team,we will accept the proposal.

    7 I do not know where the documents have been filed,and neither have I asked my assistant to check with our company's central registry.