instead of 和take the place of 有什么不同?


  • instead of 代替……,而不是……(用在名词,代词或介词短语前)

    例句 We will go by bus instead of on foot.我们坐车去,而不是步行.

    in place of与instead of意思相同.(书面语,代替某人可说in sb's place)

    例句 We use gas in place of coal in cooking.我们用煤气代替煤作饭

    Our monitor is away.I am action in place of him.我们班长不在,我代替他的职务.

    take the place of 取代,代替(做谓语,用在名词,代词前)

    例句Tractors have taken the place of horses in many places.在许多地方拖拉机代替了马.