问一道英语首字母填空 明天就上学了


  • There were many exciting (games) in the park.As we were walking,a boy "flew" above our heads.After a few seconds,a girl did it as well.I felt very corious and wanted to have a (try)

    My mother (paid) the money,and I climbed up the ladder.As I climbed up,my mother got smaller and smaller.I was afraid to look (down) or look up!I just closed my eyes,and sat on the ladder.I thought I was going to fall off.I cried loudly.

    At that moment,my father shouted,"Be (brave),girl.You can make it!"I (felt) relaxed and wiped away my tears.

    (After) a few minutes,I got to the top of the ladder.The worker (dressed) me in the safety suit and took me to the cliff.Then he opened the safety gate.I took a deep breath,and stepped offI felt I was flying.I was proud of (myself),because I had overcome my fears