ne of the oldest forms of human activity, it has a long history of development of national culture and the world culture plays an important role. Translation as a cross-language, cross-cultural communication. Its function is to make a semantic transformation language readers access to information contained in another language. Translation is never isolated, it is always accompanied by context. In the text translation, the translator to understand two languages in addition to, but also on the context of discourse involved in the analysis should be considered the original author's intent, according to the situational context and cultural context in which texts, etc. We have taken the appropriate translation strategy, without violating its principles will be translated appropriately. Firstly, the significance of context from the start, a preliminary understanding of context. Secondly relationship between context and translation, to understand the relationship between context and translation inseparable. Then explain the functionality from the context, constraints function, derivative function, filter function and compensation function describes the importance of context in translation. Then in translation time, place and context factors and cultural aspects of translation demonstrate the role of context in translation in the use of aspects of life according to the context.
求大神帮我翻译一下这句话(翻成英文) 没文化真可怕,特别是一群没文化的人在一起大谈文化
这句话的英文翻译 传统节日文化是传承与表现民族文化的重要手段
毕业论文摘要翻译q请高用英文帮我翻译下面的内容云南傣族传统体育文化传承机制研究 摘要 随着社会的发展和人民生活水平的提高