英语单选题 1.Don’t get into the bad ___of smoking or drinking.A h


  • 1.Don’t get into the bad _A__of smoking or drinking.

    A habit B custom C hobby D profession

    2.I have been__A_to try these pills for seasickness.

    A advised B admitted C recalled D suggested

    3.She quickened her pace in order that she_D__with the others.

    A musthavestudied B mightstudy C havestudied D wouldstudy

    4.Last weekend,I went to see a film__C_Gong Li with my parents.

    A.stars B.starred C.starring D.isstarring

    5.The careless man received a ticket for speeding.He_C___have driven so fast.

    A.can't B.wouldn't C.shouldn't D.mustn't

    6.We left the mother a note_C__she was worried when she came back.

    A.if B.sothat C.incase D.unless

    7.What especially impressed us was the way_A__our teacher studied foreign language

    A./ B.which C.bywhich D.what

    8.The monitor__A_ill,We'd better put the meeting off.

    A.is B.hasbeen C.been D.being

    9.The pilot over there has_D__for years.

    A.fly B.fliedC.flew D.flown

    10.The headmaster__A__that all the books be returned to the school library at once.

    A.demanded B.hoped C.wished D.permitted

    11.---Did Jack come back early last night?---Yes.It was not until eight o'clock__C_he arrived home.

    A.before B.when C.that D.until

    12.__A__I am pleased to go to his birthday party and I will bring him a very beautiful present.

    A.Ifinvited B.Ifhewereinvited C.Ifheinvited D.Beinginvited

    13.They_B__in one class for two years but they still can't get along well with each other.

    A.hadbeenstudied B.havebeenstudying C.havingbeenstudying D.havingbeenstudied

    14.___A_of dollars have gone into the building of this factory.

    A.Millions B.Threemillions C.Million D.Threemillion

    15.The treacher asked a difficult question,but Ted finally managed to__C_a good answer.

    A.putupwith B.keepupwith C.comeupwith D.gothrough

    16.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become__C_

    A.hurt B.damaged C.spoiled D.harmed

    17.Mary speaks English__A__she speaks French.

    A.betterthan B.morebetterthan C.gooderthan D.moregoodlythan

    18.My dictionary has disappeare;Who___C_have taken it?

    A.should B.must C.could D.would

    19.She hasn't got enough money_B__to buy the rings.

    A.forwhich B.withwhich C.that D.which

    20.The report is quite__A_.

    A.boring B.bored C.bore D.tobore

    21.__C__the help of their group,we would not have succeeded in the investigation.

    A.Besides B.Regardlessof C.Butfor D.Despite

    22.She gazed,her hands__C_to her breast.

    A.clasp B.clasped C.clasping D.toclasp

    23.No other salesmen could know how to increase sales,but soon Tim_A_a good solution.

    A.cameupwith B.caughtupwith C.keptupwith D.putupwith

    24.Lao Wu __C_silent at the meeting.

    A.wasremaining B.isremaining C.remanined D.hadbeenreamine

    25.I noticed his eyes__A_,because they were very large.

    A.inparticular B.withparticular C.inspecial D.withspecial