

  • The Louvre museum,which is one of the world's oldest,largest and most famous museum.It located Seine north shore (right),downtown of Paris,France,founded in 1204 years,today's scale is through over 800 years expansion and metal-works.The Louvre area (including lawn) is about 45 hectares,building area is 4.8 hectares.Full-length is 680 meter.Its overall building is the "u-shaped",which is divided into two parts,the new part and old part.The old architechture was founded in Louis xiv period,the new built was founded in napoleon.The pyramidal glass entrance before the Palace is designed by Chinese building great master -Ieoh Ming Pei.In the meanwhile,the Louvre is also the oldest palace in France's history.The movies about the Louvre museum are the lu float phantom of the opera,etc.