1.A friend may not always do something direct,but he must know what you think;朋友不一定合情合理,但一定知心知意;A friend may not follow you all around,but he must care for your heart;不一定形影不离,但一定心心相惜;A friend may not help you to be better when you can do everything well,but he must help you when you need a help hand;不一定锦上添花,但一定雪中送炭;You may not talk very often,but you care for each other all the time.不一定常常联系,但一定挂记在心!
2.A friend is the one that you may forget when you are happy but you want to stay with him when you are sad.朋友是快乐时忘掉的人,苦时去找的人;后一句不会……
3.Friends are just like the sea and you sail in the sea with your kindness.Only if you sail will you realize how wide the sea is.朋友如海,宽容作舟,泛舟于海,方知海之宽阔;Friends are just like the mountains and you go through the paths with your kindness.Only if you climb step by step on the path will you realize how tall the mountain are.朋友如山,宽容为径,循径登山,方知山之高大.Getting on with friends is learning their heart.Only if you share with your heart will you realize how noble a heart is.朋友交心,交而知心,心心相印,方知心这高尚