think和think of有什么区别求大神帮助


  • think vt.1.想;思索[+wh-] Think how much you can earn if you open a restaurant in such a good location.想一想,要是你在这样的黄金地段开一家餐馆,你会赚多少钱啊.2.认为,以为[O8][O9][+(that)][O2] We thought it our duty to take care of the orphans.我们认为照顾这些孤儿是我们的职责.They thought the novel worth reading.他们认为这本小说值得一读.I think he will come.我想他会来的.3.(常与cannot,could not连用)想像;理解[+wh-] I can't think what you mean.I can't think why they left without saying good-bye.我不明白他们为什么不告而别.4.记忆,想起[+wh-] I can't think what his phone number is.我记不起他的电话号码是多少.5.想要,打算[+to-v][+(that)] At first he thought to tell her,then he changed his mind.他原来打算告诉她的,后来改变主意了.6.预料,料想[+(that)][+to-v] I didn't think to land myself in trouble.我没想到会使自己陷入困境.vi.1.想;思索[(+about)] Think before you leap.先思而后行.2.认为 Do as you think best.你认为怎样最好就怎样去做.think of 1.想到,考虑 2.想起来,记起;想出来