名词性从句 wh—怎样选择?如题:


  • erm,我是在大马的私立大专主修英文系,不太明白中文版的专业术语.不过呢wh-的话一共有六个:who,which,what,where,when n why.who 前面是名词或代名词(仅限于人类)就比如Peter,Jane,he,she:It’s she who has the responsibility to have work done.which的前面是动物,植物还有所有的非生物:dogs,rose,table:The pen which placed on the table belonged to Jane.what的用法比较注重在后面部分所要表达的意思而不是后面的名词或代名词:what he said was rubbish.where,自然而然代表的是地方:London is the city where he likes the most.when,时间,Please remind me when the time is up.why,为什么,this is the reason why she didn't come to school.希望没有误导你.