短文改错 One day,while my friend and i was travelling through ge


  • One day,while my friend and i was(改为were) travelling through germary,we were not (去掉not)very hungry but we only had a little money We decided stop(改为to stop) at a village maket to buy something to eat we choose(改为chose) the cheapest biscuits and ate it(改为them) under a tree

    We thought the biscuits were great .Let is(改为us) got (改为get)some more .They are cheap and they really taste well(改为good). My friend could read some German, but i could not,and i gave her the biscuit bag to find a name she looked at it and stared(改为started) to laugh . how (改为Why)are you laughing i said(改为asked) because they're dog biscuit she said
