Modern Compressible Flow,Second Edition,presents the fundamentals of classical compressible flow along with the latest coverage of modern compressible flow dynamics and high-temperature flows.The second edition maintains an engaging writing style and offers philosophical and historical perspectives on the topic.It also continues to offer a variety of problems-providing readers with a practical understanding.The second edition includes the latest developments in the field of modern compressible flow.
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Review:Modern Compressible Flow:With Historical Perspective.John D.Anderson,JR
- Suraj - Goodreads
very delighted 阅读完整评价
Review:Modern Compressible Flow:With Historical Perspective Modern Compressible Flow:With Historical Perspective
- Na Ratnayake - Goodreads
excellent reference.the theoretical derivations as well as the empirical table and charts in the back will be useful to anyone in a gas dynamics or related position.