急求英语作文400字左右what do you think about human life一篇!


  • Life,a term has a far-reaching significance; life,thinking and exploring a topic.The life of value?More targeted to each individual to realize,this is a wonderful life.

    Why is it life?It was answered:"alive"!Indeed,life is to live down.However,the commonplace of life,there is no pursuit of their goals in life not only to live and live,or the pursuit of a better life for the well-being of others,in order to contribute to society alive and seeking wealth.In order to realize the value of a person.

    Had heard of such a "gentleman",apart from the empty cavity at a negative but not willing to pay any action,after a divorce the two rental houses to make ends meet.Passing day his friends thought the last look at him and pushed open the door only to find that the family could not stand a chaotic place where the foot.Very surprised friend asked:Why is nothing all day,not cleaning the house like?The "gentlemen" frankly speaking,when a man sweeping the world,Not even for a room?But years later,he is still nothing.I do not know his sparse:a room does not sweep,sweep the world and why?Reported as not merely having a negative real down-to-earth way.