求一段英文写作My way of relaxation(我的娱乐/放松/休闲方式)要求:1.文章结构和分段清晰;2.清楚


  • Ways of Relaxation 消遣方式

    There is a proverb,“ All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy.” That is to say,if we want to be in good health,we should relax ourselves after the day ’ s hard work.

    Yet,everyone has his own way of relaxation.For those who sit much at their business,going for sports is the best relaxation.They may swim,run,play football or table tennis and so on.But for people engaged in outdoor work,reading or playing chess is an excellent change.What ’ s more,making a trip on weekends is also a good pastime.

    I like sports and often take part in it.My favorite sport is swimming.Because it brings the whole body into action ,In the water ,I feel rather relaxed and all the fatigue goes away .It makes me energetic in the next day ’ s work.