

  • 1.做调查x09do a survey

    2.合计x09add up

    3.不得不x09have got to

    4.遛狗x09walk dog

    5.关心;挂念x09be concerned about

    6.平静下来x09calm down

    7.去度假x09take a vacation

    8.照顾;照管x09look after

    9.许多x09score of

    10.骗某人做某事x09sb in to sth

    11.列表x09make a list

    12.故意地x09on purpose

    13.和某人分享某物x09share sth with sb

    14.一系列的;一连串的x09a series of

    15.处理;处置;对付x09deal with

    16.经历;经受x09go through

    17.为了…;以…为目的x09in order to

    18.在黄昏时刻x09at dusk

    19.不再x09on longer

    20.太多;过量x09scores of

    21.碰巧做某事x09happen to do sth

    22.躲藏;隐瞒x09hide away

    23.对……狂热x09be carry about

    24.保持清醒x09stay awake

    25.面对面地x09face to face

    26.不注意;不理会x09ignore to

    27.回家x09go home

    28.遭受……之苦x09suffer from

    29.系紧;绑牢;扎好x09tie up

    30.担心x09be concerned about

    31.记下x09set down

    32.继续x09go on

    33.对……厌烦x09be tired of

    34.与……靠近x09get close to


    36.同意x09agree with

    37.给……写信x09write to

    38.没门儿x09no way

    39.不可能;绝不x09in no way

    40.擅长x09be good at

    41.与某人交流x09communicate with sb

    42.目前;现在x09at moment

    43.在做…方面有困难x09have some trouble ding

    44.喜欢做某事x09enjoy doing sth

    45.与……相处很好x09get along well with

    46.爱上x09fall in love

    47.采纳某人意见x09take one's advice

    48.写下;记下x09set down

    49.将……排序x09put in to order

    50.因……而感激某人x09be grateful to sb fo