英语同义句 高手速进~!When the black husband to the airport?How did th


  • 1.第一句绝对有问题,请楼主补充重发.

    2.= How did the accident come about?

    = How did the accident occur?

    = How did the accident take place?

    3.= We spent two hours (in) going through the park.

    4.= Please make no noise.

    = No (making) noise,please.

    5.= This club is made up of 40 members.

    = There are 40 members in this club.

    = This club has 40 members.

    = 40 members makes (up) this club.

    6.= Everyone/Everybody can answer the question.

    = Everyone/Everybody is able to answer the question.

    = Everyone/Everybody is able to reply to the question.

    7.= What is eight multiplied by three?

    = Multiply three by eight,what can we get?

    8.= We use electronic calculators to calculate.

    = We calculate with electronic calculators.

    9.= Can/Could you tell me how to reach the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?

    = Can/Could you tell me how to get to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?

    = Can/Could you tell me how to arrive at the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?

    = Can/Could you tell me which is the way to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?

    = Can/Could you tell me how I can reach / get to / arrive at + the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?

    = Can/Could you tell me where the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is?

    注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一;( )表示其内部分可以省略不写.
