按要求完成英语句子,如下:1.We are making a model plane.(改成一般疑问句)2.The bo


  • 1.We are making a model plane.(改成一般疑问句)

    Are you making a model plane?

    2.The boys are sitting(under the tree).(对括号部分提问)

    Where are the boys sitting?

    3.Look out of the window.(改为否定句)

    Don't look out of the window.

    4.We can see(some birds)over there.(对括号部分提问)

    What can you see over there?

    5.The children have some apple.(改为单数句)

    The child has an apple.

    6.You can see that is a pear.(改为否定句)

    (You)(can't)see that is a pear.

    7.I can give her my pencil.(改为同义句)

    I can give my pencil(to)(her).

    8.The boy (behind the door)is Tom.(对括号部分提问)

    (Which)(boy)is Tom?

    9.Li Lei is in Team Four.Lin Tao is in Team Four,too.(合并为一句).

    Li Lei and Lin Tao (are)in(the)same team

    10.Jack and Mike are American.(改成一般疑问句)

    (What're)Jack and Mike (nationalities)?