求初一4人英语剧本 3-5分钟 尽量简单些 附带中文


  • 人数自定lz先看着

    Mr.black was a teacher. One day,when he was waiting for his students, Bill gave him a big box.

    “Can you help me with the box? Just a minutes.”


    Then,Bill run away.

    “What’s this?”He said to himself.

    After a minutes, Jack came and saw the box,

    “Teacher,what’s this?”

    “I don’t know.”He shrugged his shoulder.

    Then Jack touched the liquid on the box.

    “It taste like hamburgers!”Said jack.

    After then [xxx (a name)]came.

    “Teacher,what’s this?”

    “I don’t know,have a taste.”

    “It is like cheese!I want some more!”





    After 15 minutes Jack came back.

    “Whats this?”Everyone asked him.

    “OH,that’s my dog!”

    In addition to all of jack to throw up.

