英语建议语句问题,why don‘t you……?why not ……?you shoud …….you shoudn’


  • 1.{why don't you ...为什么不...why don't you try it in another way?why not ...为什么不呢?why not try it another way?这两者差不多一样吧} 2.{what|how about ...像这样怎么样?后接doing sth 表示建议吧 how about trying it in another way} 3.it's a good idea to do sth 这是一个好主意去这样做 it's a good idea to try it another way.4.you should |should‘t前者你应该这样做 后者就很是不应该这样做 貌似很好区别得吧?you should try it another way .你应该换种方法.5.try not to |try to ...试着做某事 不要试着去做某事...我觉得不难体会 你自己慢慢体会 其实口语上几乎可以通用