Could you please/would you please


  • Could you please 是can you please 更为礼貌、委婉的说法,并不是过去式,是“能否麻烦你……”、“请你……”的意思,更侧重“能否”及客观情况;回答时要注意,eg:A:“Could you please open the window?”肯定回答 B:“Of course”;否定回答:B:“Sorry,I can't open it because the windows are locked on the train.”

    而Would you please 含有说话者一定的希望,期待对方愿意做某事的意味,“请你……”,更侧重“愿否”及主观能动;回答时要注意,eg:A:“Would you please open the window?”肯定回答:B:“OK”;否定回答:“I'm sorry,but don't you feel it is a little bit too cold outside?”
