英语问题请问 anonymity 的动词形式是什么 感激不尽


  • anonymous

    anonymous /əˈnɒn.ɪ.məs/ US /-ˈnɑː.nə-/


    1 made or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public:

    The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor.

    Police said an anonymous caller warned that a bomb was about to go off.

    An attempt to implant an embryo using an egg from an anonymous woman donor was unsuccessful.

    He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn't pay the money.

    For reasons of personal safety,the informant wishes to remain anonymous.

    2 having no unusual or interesting features:

    He has a rather anonymous face.

    anonymously /əˈnɒn.ɪ.mə.sli/ US /-ˈnɑː.nə-/


    The donation was made anonymously.

    anonymity /ˌæn.ɒnˈɪm.ɪ.ti/ US /-əˈnɪm.ə.ţi/

    noun [U]

    when someone's name is not given or known:

    The police have reassured witnesses who may be afraid to come forward that they will be guaranteed anonymity.
