If you had followed my advice,接you would be better now.还是you


  • 一、


    If it had rained last night,the ground would be wet now.要是昨晚下过雨的话,现在地面就会是湿的.

    You would be much better now if you had taken my advice.假若你当时听我的话,你现在就会好多了.


    条件从句用 if I were…时,既可指现在也可指过去:

    If I were you,I would stay.我要是你我就会留下.

    If I were you,I’d go to night school.我要是你,我会上夜校.

    If I were not busy,I would have come.假若我不忙,我早就来了.

    也可用 if I had been you也表示过去:



    If it had rained last night,the ground would be wet now.要是昨晚下过雨的话,现在地面就会是湿的.

    You would be much better now if you had taken my advice.假若你当时听我的话,你现在就会好多了.


    条件从句用 if I were…时,既可指现在也可指过去:

    If I were you,I would stay.我要是你我就会留下.

    If I were you,I’d go to night school.我要是你,我会上夜校.

    If I were not busy,I would have come.假若我不忙,我早就来了.

    也可用 if I had been you也表示过去:

    If I had been you,I’d have taken the job.我要是你,我就接受那份工作了.