consult with 和 refer to 有什么差别?


  • 意思都不同啊,怎么比较?consult with 〈正〉与(某人)磋商 Before we can accept the firm's offer,we must consult with the workers.在我们接受这家公司的提议之前,我们必须与工人商榷 refer to 提及 Don't refer to the matter again.不要再提这件事了.暗指 Does your remark refer to all of us?你的评论是针对我们所有的人的吗?有关,针对 The regulations refer only to children.这些规定只适用于小孩子.提交…作处理〔决定〕 For further particulars I refer you to my secretary.详情请问我的秘书.查阅; 参考 Refer to the dictionary when you don't know how to spell a word.当你不知道怎么拼写一个词时,查阅一下词典.(把…)归因〔功〕于… Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability.有些人把自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳,而不认为是缺乏能力.向…求助