1.i want to buy that kind of cloth because i ()the cloth()we


  • 1 B because I have been told (the cloth washes well).括号里是个省略that 的宾语从句,当主语是现在时态时(一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时,现在完成时),从句可根据不同情况使用各种时态,这里叙述的是一般事实,所以用一般现在时.翻译:我想买这种布,因为有人告诉我这种布经洗(washes well-经洗)

    2 B 回答what的提问要用名词形式.所以用动名词形式-her not passing.这个 答案补充完整就是Her not passing the exam made her mother so angry.

    3 locked in the small room.这里he 既是lock的执行者,又是被执行者.但是这里强调的是被执行.可以理解为he was locked in the small room by himself.强调的是he was locked,而不是by himself.