

  • Dear Sir/Madam

    This is li lei ,I am a customer who used to buy a lot of things from your shop on line.But this time I am writting to complain about the quality of your goods.It's last Wednesday that I booked a MP3 from you on line, but when I got it yesterday,I found its packing broken and there are some scars on it's surface,which really made me upset .What's more, when I tried to turn it on ,its button broken,just at that moment,my dissappointment flooded.I felt I was cheated,and after that I called your customer service department to reflect it,they just told me that was impossible and take no measure to solve problem ,which made me lose my tempter.As a result, I wrote this letter to raise your attention,attached is its INVOICE and the picture of this poor quality MP3,you can check it. I will return the MP3 to you and ask a refund ,or you can send me a new MP3 to replace it .Hope you can pay attention to this unpleasant issue.

    Look forward to your prompt reply.Thank you.