续写一个英文故事Simon left the house to post the letter,then he hear


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    he told his grandmother what happened minutes ago.his grandmother believes Simon did a great job and asks him to tell Mr Smith's family about Mr Smith's situation.Simon did so as his grandmother told him to.then,Mr Smith's families go to hospitals.but Mr Smith,because he got phsycal sick and hurt his brain,says it was Simon who hurt him and made him in danger.this made both Mr Smith's family and Simon's family unsatisfied.Mr Smith's family decided to sue for Simon.Simon's family feels helpless and thinks that they,probably,met someone from China.unfortunately,3 days later,this legal case gets brought to trial by a judge who graduated from Nanking University,questioned Simon "if you didn't hurt Mr Smith,why you gave him money?".Simon has nothing to say in reply.So,the judge graduated from Nanking University,sentenced Simon has to pay Mr Smith USD 20,000 for compensation.This story tells us,when trying to help others,do remember to see how much money in your wallet.