disagree with,intelligent of,practice,depend on,willing,afra


  • 1.We walked down the stairs__instead of__taking the elevator.

    2.They__are interseted in_what is going on in the art world.

    3.All human beinge are much more_intelligent__than animals.

    4.Mark seemed_willing__to consider the idea.

    5.Time and tide_wait for__no man.

    6.My house is_different__from yours in several ways.

    7.She_has practiced__the same tune on the piano for nearly an hour.

    8.Don't you know that I always_succeed in_whatever I try?

    9.Health_depends on__good food,fresh air and enough sleep.

    10.Wheat is_similar__to barley.

    11.He was_afraid__to take even a drink of water.

    12.The newspaper report_disagreed with__the account on the radio.