A:I've read an interesting news on the internet.you know what?
A:it is a true story about premarital agreements.
B:i know.nowadays more and more young lovers sign premarital agreement before they got married.
A:Yes,but the couple in the news fight furiously about whether to sign this agreement or not.
B; in my oppinion,if they sign a premarital agreement,it could be easy for them to devide their fortune when they got devored.
A:that's the point.the wife said such an agreement is only useful in devorce.and before they got married,the husband began to plan to get devorce.it only proved that her husband didn't love her.
B:That's different.
A:finally,they got devorced.
B:what a pity.
A:will you sign such an agreement before you get married?
B:Me?it is a long way to go.you know,I even haven't got a girlfriend(boyfriend) jet!