谁会这道题:短文改错.下 短文改错. 下面短文中有10处语言错误.请再有


  • A Frenchman was once visiting London.He wished to take a walk to see a city.But

    1. the

    he was afraid he might get lost because he knew no words of English.So before he left his

    2. after

    hotel,he stopped in the first corner and carefully copied in his notebook the names

    3.at 4.name

    of the street that he was staying .Then he walked on .At last,he got being

    5.where 6.鍘绘帀

    lost.After several hours he found a policeman .The Frenchman tried his best to explain 鈭


    the policeman that he didn't know the name of his hotel, and he knew the name of the street.


    He then showed the policeman that he copied in his notebook.It was read :

    9. what 10.鍘绘帀

    "One-way street".