

  • 在图书馆

    S:student T:teacher

    S:Can I check out this book?

    T:Yes,for three days.

    S:When is this book due back?

    T:It's due on Monday the 25th.

    S:How much is my fine?

    T:You owe five jiao.

    T:Be sure to take care of these book.

    S:I will.

    T:Do not write in the book.

    S:No,I won't.

    T;Do not rip out the pages.

    S:No,I won't.

    T:Make sure that you return the books in good condition.

    S:Of course.I will.

    T:Make sure that you return the books on time.

    S:What day do I need to bring them back?

    T;You need to return them by Tuesday.

    S:Could you help me find a book,Red and Black.

    T:Book in section A or B.

    S:Thank you.

    T:You are welcome.