( )6.English ___ by many people in the world


  • ( D )6.English ___ by many people in the world

    A.speaks B.speak C.are spoken D.is spoken

    (B )7.The old people ___ well in our country.

    A.is looked after B.are looked after

    C.looks after D.look for

    ( B)8.Alice is ill.She ____ to hospital at once.

    A.is sent B.must be sent

    C.can send D.must send

    ( A )9.The factory ____ in 1958.

    A.was built B.is built

    C.will be built D.built

    ( A)10.Our teacher told us that the classroom _____ every day.

    A.should be cleaned B.should cleaned

    C.shall be cleaned D.must cleaned

    ( D )11.Football ____ all over the world.

    A.plays B.is playing

    C.has played D.is played

    ( A)12.____ silk ____ in Suzhou?

    A.Is ,produced B.Are,produced

    C.Does,produce D.Was,produce

    (D )13.Much money ____ spent on books every year.A.have B.has C.are D.is

    ( B )14.The students was made ______ the questions by the teacher.

    A.answer B.to answer

    C.answering D.answered

    ( C )15.The sun ____ when we got there.

    A.was risen B.has been risen

    C.had risen D.is rising

    ( C )16.The People’s Liberation Army was ____ August 1,1927.

    A.found in B.found on

    C.founded on D.founded in

    ( B)17.The oranges should be well ___ during the winter.

    A.keep B.kept C.keeping D.to keep

    ( D)18.Many of the sheep ___ by the wolf狼).

    A.was killed B.are killed

    C.are killing D.were killed

    ( C )19.Tape recorders____ in our English class

    A.should use B.used

    C.can be used D.are using

    ( B )20.____ English ____ in Canada?

    A.Do,spoken B.Is ,spoken

    C.Are,spoken D.Does,speak

    ( C )21.He ____ not to leave waster paper everywhere.

    A.tells B.told C.was told D.has told

    ( C )22.Who ____ “The Family”,“Spring” and “Autumn” ______?

    A.was,written B.were,written

    C.were,written by D.are.Written by

    (A )23.Look at the building!It ____ now.

    A.is being built B.has been built

    C.is building D.has built

    ( A )24.Half of the work ____ before six.

    A.can be done B.will do C.were done

    ( B)25.We ____ stamps for sending letters.

    A.are used B.use C.used

    ( C)26.The Great Green Wall(绿色长城)___ in North China.

    A.are built B.can be build C.was built

    (A )27.___ the farm ____ by the students

    A.was,visited B.Is,visit C.Must,visit

    ( B )28.The woman ____ by people in the waiting room.

    A.was laughed B.was laughed at

    C.laughed at
