

  • The wu is destroyed,fan li thought sentence is long neck the strenghth beak,and shall not,but woe to the pleasures of illicit ACTS as the sea,and float.With the book of yue:"haowen doctor,a bow as well birds,and hide jiao rabbit dead the henchman boil.Children can go to do!" SuZi yue:when the prince is known only to my photograph,Lin,Lin also the beak.Good husband,under the base and also to the hen gathereth Lin,accumulate wealth?How to YuHaiBin tillage,father,to camp daughter,but after repeatedly,this is who ah?Not only is willing,but the body is insufficient,GongChengMingSui ways,since the heart cannot put?That sentence is magnanimous,cao,Lin Lin always can also be not pure and also,yue "udinese," Lin also beak also.LuZhongLian both back to seal,plain gentleman army,for life to pieces.Smile yue:"have you in heaven,PaiNanXieFen corporal is without taken,there is also.What is the concentrated to also cannot bear." Hence,to see that no escape for the polyonal hidden.Yue:"my and riches and honour and Qu in person,rather than by how the volunteer loses!" Make FanLiZhi to such as lu,not even to saint.Since the spring,alas,with shevchenko did not like the dilemma,and Lin,our deficiencies in deep sorrow is tired sigh and stillness.Son of Xu,jay,and both Lin,Yang xiong,QuShi also,to learn the three CiXia the trifling with three suggestion:don't go,whipping corpse Xu for cadastral hall,with no other practice of habitat and suggestion for the kind of,I will take.The smell of the three suggestion to say,when to law,not Lou corporal days!Three suggestion and go into the shallow,minister of the palace said also,such as,86 ouzhi but can ears.And if the son Xu,wu ZongChen,and also to break into zai,Abe?100 suggestion does not listen,followed by death can also.Confucius to a robust,with three suggestion,Ann?Father,son not revenge,too.Birth and death are beheaded body,while the whip and pain,no choices.The gentleman is in mourning and gone.love will a man alone,male?As HeLv cadastral,advice,the son Xu meaning.Other practice,but will be trapped in two sons,if you fight to the death,strong suggestion is to Xu son again when the crime of sin.The children were seen,no foot,giving the third,as the fleeing.

    越既灭吴,范蠡以为句践为人长颈乌喙,可与共患难,不可与共逸乐,乃以其私徒属浮海而行,至于齐.以书遗大夫种曰:“蜚鸟尽,良弓藏,狡兔死,走狗烹.子可以去矣!”苏子曰:范蠡独知相其君而已,以吾相蠡,蠡亦乌喙也.夫好货,天下之贱士也,以蠡之贤,岂聚敛积财者?何至耕于海滨,父子力作,以营千金,屡散而复积,此何为者哉?岂非才有余而道不足,故功成名遂身退,而心终不能自放者乎?使句践有大度,能始终用蠡,蠡亦非清净无为而老于越者也,故曰“蠡亦乌喙也”.鲁仲连既退秦军,平原君欲封连,以千金为寿.笑曰:“所贵于天下士者,为人排难解纷而无所取也.即有取,是商贾之事,连不忍为也.”遂去,终身不复见,逃隐于海上.曰:“吾与富贵而诎于人,宁贫贱而轻世肆志焉!”使范蠡之去如鲁连,则去圣人不远矣.呜呼,春秋以来,用舍进退未有如蠡之全者,而不足于此,吾以是累叹而深悲焉.子胥、种、蠡皆人杰,而扬雄,曲士也,欲以区区之学疵瑕此三人者:以三谏不去、鞭尸籍馆为子胥之罪,以不强谏句践而栖之会稽为种、蠡之过.雄闻古有三谏当去之说,即欲以律天下士,岂不陋哉!三谏而去,为人臣交浅者言也,如宫之奇、 86冶乃可耳.至如子胥,吴之宗臣,与国存亡者也,去将安往哉?百谏不听,继之以死可也.孔子去鲁,未尝一谏,又安用三?父不受诛,子复仇,礼也.生则斩首,死则鞭尸,发其至痛,无所择也.是以昔之君子皆哀而恕之,雄独非人子乎?至于籍馆,阖闾与群臣之罪,非子胥意也.句践困于会稽,乃能用二子,若先战而强谏以死之,则雄又当以子胥之罪罪之矣.此皆儿童之见,无足论者,不忍三子之见诬,故为之言.