英语翻译看完这部电影打电话给T,他问我感受,我说的第一句是 Get busy living or get busy dy


  • 反了吧,是《肖申克救赎》输给《阿甘正传》

    I called T after finishing the movie.He asked how I felt about that,My initial response was "Get busy living or get busy dying".We have been very busy,everyone does.Life is inevitably hard,but we can choose how to face it.T,I really hope you will keep optimistic,smiling,and clam toward the difficulities of life,though it is very hard to.

    You asked me,what is your aim?What do you want?This is very important.I think of the line in Forest Gump(斜体)which beat The Shawshank Redemption(斜体),"Life was like a box of chocolates,you never know what you’re gonna get".

    So what we can do is to exert ourselves at present,spend each moment meaningfully,and keep moving on steadily towards our little dreams inside...